Monday, October 6

Stopping the continuing attacks of the Hamas against Israel

In God we trust.


For the last three years there have been continuous missile attacks by the Hamas against the southern region of Israel, and the government of Israel has done nothing to stop these attacks or gain control over the situation. Why is the Hamas attacking Israel? because it can, and because there is no on to stop them.


This situation started about three years ago in the summer of 2005. Until that time there were Jewish settlements inside the Gaza strip. The existence of these settlements forced the Israeli army to be present inside the strip, foiling most of the attempts by the Hamas to fire missiles at Israel. The few missiles that the Hamas did mange to fire were mostly aimed at the settlements inside the Gaza strip. By doing so the Jewish settlements inside the Gaza strip, were acting as a shield to protect the southern region of Israel, against Hamas attacks.


But in 2005 there came a big change in the situation. The Israeli government that was headed at that time by Ariel Sharon, decided to evacuate all the Jewish settlements in the Gaza strip by force, and close the border between Gaza and Israel. And so it came to be, that by the end of August 2005, there were no more Jewish settlements in the Gaza strip, or the presence of the Israeli army. This allowed the Hamas to operate freely in the strip and to openly fire missiles and other rockets at the Jewish settlements in the southern region of Israel, including the cities of Sderot and Ashkelon, where the peoples lives have become a living hell, due to the constant missile attacks on them that can only be compared to the German blitz of World War II.


The Sharon government promised at that time that their action was meant to bring peace to the region and should the Hamas attack Israel, the Israeli Army would immediately retaliate with full force and stop any attack. But in practice this was all a lie, the reason for the evacuation of the Jewish settlements were strictly political, and soon afterward Sharon fell ill, and was replaced with Ehoud Olmert, a weak Prime Minster at the head of a weak government, which is afraid to take any action without the approval of the American Bush administration.  


The retreat of the Israeli army, from Gaza and especially from the border between Gaza and Egypt allowed the Hamas to bring to the strip many weapons, ammunition and explosives, all of which are coming form Iran through Egypt, without the interference of the Egyptian authorities. These weapons are converted using supplies given to the people of the Gaza strip by the Israeli government for humanitarian reasons, such as petrol, electricity, and so forth, into rockets and missiles, which are then fired at Jewish settlements in the southern region of Israel, causing damage both to lives and homes of the Israeli people.


The Hamas uses a very simple tactic to prevent the Israeli army from acting against them in full force. They are hiding behind the skirts of women and children in the Gaza strip. Their bases and workshops are planted inside the civilian community which acts as a human shield to protect them. The Israeli government is afraid to act, because it knows that any full scale attack against the Hamas will end in great bloodshed amongst the so-called innocent Palestinian people that are protecting them with their bodies. They are more afraid of the international court in Hagen, than in the prevention of their own citizens from getting killed.


They have attempted aging and aging to try and reach an agreement with the Palestinian leadership for a cease-fire, only to find out later that a temporary cease-fire only served the Hamas, to rearm itself with more weapons and missiles, and to begin a new and more forceful attack against Israel, while improving and widening the range of their missiles. If this situation is allowed to continue it is only a matter of time before the missiles of Hamas will reach Tel-Aviv, and the entire central region of Israel.


The only solution must be that the Israeli government must stop regarding the Palestinian people that are shielding the Hamas with their bodies, as innocent civilians. These people are cooperating with the Hamas and must be treated as a hostile people. In the same way as the German people were considered in World War II. The allied forces at that time bombarded all of Germany without consideration for the civilian population, because they were considered a hostile people. In the same manner the Israeli government must act today in order to protect its citizens. Only a full scale bombardment of the Gaza strip will stop the Hamas from attacking Israel. Any other way, including re-attempting to reach a cease-fire, will only increase bloodshed of the Israeli people. The government of Israel must do what is right for its people not for its enemies. The Israeli people have a right to live a peaceful and secure life.


Long live the King Messiah.